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I have a health issue that I need help with, can I email you for advice?

Due to the large number of enquiries and other commitments we unfortunately cannot respond to email health enquiries, however the Embracing Health Team now includes a fully qualified naturopath and nutritionist Rhianna Smith. You can find more information about booking a naturopathic consultation with Rhianna here.


I suspect I have a Thyroid problem, but my doctor says that my blood tests are fine, can you help?

Blood tests are notoriously unreliable and not the best way to assess thyroid function. Thyroid and fatigue issues are one area that I have studied in depth and through extensive experience have developed protocols that are often able to correct thyroid dysfunction by addressing the underlying causes. These issues are explored in detail in the book The ‘F’ Word Solution and we do have a naturopathic consultation service if you would like an individual consultation to investigate your health concerns.


I’ve never done a detox retreat before, are the Embracing Health Retreats suitable for me?

Absolutely! We have both complete beginners and more experienced participants at the Embracing Health Retreats, and we guide and support you through the whole process. Everything is explained in great detail – why we detox, how we detox, and what the effects are. Your Embracing Health Team members are always on hand to answer any questions, and we pride ourselves on the detox being gentle, but effective. Many guests find the retreat to be absolutely life changing. You can look at their testimonials here.


How often should I do a detox Retreat?

I recommend doing at least a week long, supervised, detoxification regime once or twice a year to keep your health at an optimal level.


Will I learn practical steps to change my life from the Retreat?

Yes. Comprehensive notes are given out for every lecture and recipes are given out for every juice, smoothie and meal that we have at the retreat. Our retreat chef will also show you how to make these delicious recipes in the food preparation classes. You are not only learning how to create vibrant health at a retreat, you are having a physical experience of food as medicine. This integrates your learning and makes for a much more holistic and lasting education. We take you through many simple and practical steps for improving your health, so by the time you leave the retreat you will have a clear strategy in place that will be easy to implement.


Are the retreats ladies only?

No, we often have gentleman attend the retreats, and couples are always welcome too.


Is there any free time at the Retreats? Will it feel like a holiday or is it just like a boot camp?

I put a lot of effort into making the schedule a balance between education and relaxation. We have large blocks of time scheduled into the day that is your own free time to rest, read, journal or have an extra massage. It will definitely feel like a holiday, but one where you come away feeling refreshed and revitalised.


Will I lose weight on the detox?

Normally people lose 2-3kgs on the Retreat, but they learn strategies for healthy eating that will last them a lifetime.


Can I get a Naturopath appointment at the Retreat?

Yes, our Embracing Health naturopath Rhianna is available to do full naturopathic consults throughout the retreat. However you will be learning how to create a foundation of good health throughout the week.


How do I join the Membership Club?

The Membership Club is a wealth of information delivered to you in a series of monthly modules, themed around a different aspect of health every month. To sign up for the introductory $1 trial, or to get more information visit the Membership Page here.


How do I unsubscribe from the Membership Club?

You are welcome to unsubscribe at any time by logging into your PayPal account, find the active subscription and cancelling the subscription there. You will always have access to the modules you have paid for and can reinstate your membership at any time.


How do I get to see you in person?

At the moment, it will only be at the Embracing Health Detox, Healing & Raw Food Retreats, however in the near future I will be doing public speaking events, as well as press around the launch of The ‘F’ Word Solution.


You mentioned Saliva and Stool testing on your site, where can I get more information?

We recommend testing such as saliva hormone testing and digestion health analysis, as a tool to help us uncover hidden health issues that may not be discovered in any other way. You can learn more about each of these tests by visiting their individual websites, and the tests are able to be ordered online.

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